Health Hawkes Bay - your Primary Health Organisation (PHO)
A PHO provides primary health services either directly or indirectly through general practice and other health and social care providers. These services are designed to improve and maintain the health of the enrolled PHO population and eliminate inequities in health outcomes that exist for Māori, Pasifika and high needs populations.
Health Hawke’s Bay receives funding from the Government to subsidise a range of health services. The amount of funding received is based on the numbers and the characteristics (e.g. age, sex, and ethnicity) of their enrolled population.
The funding pays for services to:
· provide care and treatment when people are ill
· help people to stay healthy
· connect with groups in the community who have poor health or who are missing out on primary health care
Enrolment in a PHO
Enrolment in a PHO is voluntary. Most New Zealanders are enrolled through their general practice and gain the benefits associated with belonging to a PHO, which can include cheaper doctors’ visits and reduced costs of prescription medicines.
Use of your health information
Following are some examples of how your health information is used:
· The Primary Health Organisation (PHO) may use your information for clinical and administrative purposes including obtaining subsidised funding for you.
· Your District Health Board (DHB) uses your information to provide treatment and care, and to improve the quality of its services.
· A qualified health practitioner may conduct a clinical audit to review the quality of services provided to you. They may also view health records if the audit involves checking on health matters.
· When you choose to register in a health programme (e.g., immunisation or breast screening), relevant information may be shared with other health agencies.
· The Ministry of Health uses your demographic information to assign a unique number to you on the National Health Index (NHI). This NHI number will help identify you when you use health services.
· The Ministry of Health holds health information to measure how well health services are delivered and to plan and fund future health services. Auditors may occasionally conduct financial audits of your health practitioner. The auditors may review your records and may contact you to check that you received those services.
· Notification of births and deaths to the Births, Deaths and Marriages register may be performed electronically to streamline a person’s interactions with government.
Your health information may be used in research approved by an ethics committee or when it has had identifying details removed.
· Research which may directly or indirectly identify you can only be published if the researcher has previously obtained your consent and the study has received ethics approval.
· Under the law, you are not required to give consent to the use of your health information if it’s for unpublished research or statistical purposes, or if it’s published in a way that doesn’t
identify you.
Contact details
Health Hawke’s Bay
First Floor
100 McLeod Street
Hastings 4120
Phone: href="tel:+64-6-871-5646">06 871 5646
Email: href="">
Patient health information privacy statement
This document sets out why we collect your information and how that information will be used. This promotes and protects the privacy of personal information. This has also been designed to ensure that you can trust how and where your information is being stored, how it is being used, and steps that are being taken to ensure your privacy is protected.
Maintaining your trust and privacy is important to us:
We only collect what we need to help you and your whänau (family).
We only use what we know to improve your health and the health of the community.
We don't sell anything we know to anyone, ever.
We only share what we know with people in the health system who we know will look after your information the way we do.
We look after what we know and keep it secure,
Your health record is YOUR health record — you can see it, correct it, and know what we have done with it—just ask
Why we collection your information
We collect your health information to provide a record of care. This helps you receive quality treatment and care when you need it. We also collect your health information to help: keep you and others safe plan and fund health services carry out authorised research train healthcare professionals prepare and publish statistics improve government services.
Use of your health information
Following are some examples of how your health information is used:
Your practice is contracted to a Health Hawke's Bay Primary Health Organisation (PHO), HHB may use your information for clinical and administrative purposes including obtaining subsidised funding for you,
Your District Health Board (DHB) uses your information to provide treatment and care, and to improve the quality of its services.
A clinical audit may be conducted by a qualified health practitioner to review the quality of services provided to you. They may also view health records if the audit involves checking on health matters.
When you choose to register in a health programme (eg immunisation or breast screening), relevant information may be shared with other health agencies.
The Ministry of Health uses your demographic information to assign a unique number to you on the National Health Index (NHI). This NHI number will help identify you when you use health services.
The Ministry of Health holds health information to measure how well health services are delivered and to plan and fund future health services. Auditors may occasionally conduct financial audits of your health practitioner. The auditors may review your records and may contact you to check that you received those services.
Notification of births and deaths to the Births, Deaths and Marriages register may be performed electronically to streamline a person's interactions with government.
Information sharing e Your health practitioner will record relevant information from your consultation in your notes.
e Your health information will be shared with others involved in your healthcare and with other agencies with your consent, or if authorised by law.
This practice is part of the opt-off Shared electronic Health Record. This means that when you visit ED, an after hours urgent care centre, the hospital or other health providers a summary of your health record may be avaiEable for them to look at. This helps makes the care you receive safer. If you do not want this to happen talk to your general practice team.
You don't have to share your health information, however, withholdingjt may affect the quaEity of care you receive. Talk to your health practitioner if you have any concerns. You have the right to know where your information is kept, who has access rights, and if the system has audit log capability, who has viewed or updated your informatbn.
Your information will be kept securely to prevent unauthorised access.
Information quality
We're required to keep your information accurate, up-to-date and relevant for your treatment and care.
Right to access and correct
You have the right to access and correct your health information.
You have the right to see and request a copy of your health information. You don't have to explain why you're requesting that information but may be required to provide proof of your identity. if you request a second copy of that information within 12 months, you may have to pay an administration fee.
You can ask for health information about you to be corrected. Practice staff should provide you with reasonable assistance. If your healthcare provider chooses not to change that information, you can have this noted on your
Many practices now offer a patient portal, which allows you to book on-line, view some of your practice heaEth records online and request repeat prescriptions. Ask your practice if they're offering a portal so you can register.
Your health information may be used in research approved by an ethics committee or when it has had identifying details removed.
Research which may directly or indirectly identify you can only be published if the researcher has previously obtained your consent and the study has received ethics approval.
Under the law, you are not required to give consent to the use of your health information if it's for unpublished research or statistical purposes, or if it's published in a way that doesn't identify you.
In the case of financial audits, my health information may be reviewed by an auditor for checking a financial claim made by the practice, but only according to the terms and conditions of section 22G of the Health Act (or any subsequent applicable Act). I may be contacted by the auditor or to check that services have been received. If the audit involves checking on heafth matters, an appropriately qualified health care practitioner will view the health records.
It's OK to complain if you're not happy with the way your health information is collected or used. Talk to your healthcare provider in the first instance. If you are still unhappy with the response you can call the Office of the Privacy Commissioner toll-free on 0800 803 909, as they can investigate this further.
For further information
Visit to access the Health Act 1956, Official Information Act 1982 and Privacy Act 2020.
The Health Information Privacy Code 2020 is available at You can also use the Privacy Commissioner's Ask Us tool for privacy queries.
A copy of the Health and Disability Committee's Standard Operating procedures can be found at htt o eratin - rocedures
Further detail concerning the matters discussed in this Fact Sheet can be found on the Ministry of Health website at Personal health information standards Health New Zealand I Te Whatu Ora
I intend to use this practice as my regular and on-going provider of general practice / GP / health care services.
I understand that by enrolling with this practice I will be enrolled with the Primary Health Organisation (PHO) this practice belongs to, and my name, address and other identification details will be included on the Practice, PHO and National Enrolment Service Registers.
I understand that if I visit another provider where I am not enrolled I may be charged a higher fee.
I have been given information about the benefits and implications of enrolment with the PHO, and their contact details.
I have read and I agree with the Use of Health Information Statement. The information I have provided on the Enrolment Form will be used to determine eligibility to receive publicly-funded services. Information may be compared with other government agencies, but only when permitted under the Privacy Act.
I understand that the Practice participates in a national survey about people’s health care experience and how their overall care is managed. Taking part is voluntary and all responses will be anonymous. I can decline the survey or opt out the survey by informing the Practice. The survey provides important information that is used to improve health services.
I agree to inform the practice of any changes in my contact details and entitlement and/or eligibility to be enrolled.
I understand that I will be liable for any costs incurred in the collection of an overdue account, including any additional administration fees added to my account, plus the debt collector’s fee’s and commission fees.
I agree to receiving communication from the practice using the provided email address.
I agree to my records being shared on Indici SEHR.
I agree to share health information with other health providers involved in my care.
I agree to the behaviour standards set by Te Mata Peak Practice as follows:
At Te Mata Peak Practice, we are dedicated to ensuring everyone has access to our services and to offering choice wherever possible in the services we provide and the way we deliver them. To maintain a positive environment for both our staff and patients, we’ve established some important behaviour standards. Here’s what we ask from everyone:
1. Respect and Courtesy: Please treat all our staff with respect, whether in person, on the phone, in writing, or on social media. We ask that you refrain from raising your voice, using offensive language, making threats, or displaying aggression.
2. Prescription Requests: For repeat prescriptions, kindly allow 48 hours (Monday to Friday) for processing. If you need an urgent script, there will be an additional charge, and it will be ready within 24 hours (Monday to Friday). Note that prescriptions may not be issued if more information is needed, or a consultation is required.
3. Appointment Process: Please follow our appointment process and do not arrive at the clinic expecting to be seen without a scheduled time.
4. Appointment Time: A standard appointment is meant to address one major concern or two relatively minor health concerns. If you require additional time, please book a double appointment, which will be charged at double the usual fee.
5. Support Person: If you wish to bring a support person to your appointment, it’s important that their presence doesn’t interfere with the provider’s assessment and treatment of the patient. Support persons should remain silent when questions are directed at the patient unless asked for their input
6. Appointment Cancellations: If you need to cancel an appointment, please call us as soon as possible so we can offer the slot to another patient.
7. Clinical Decisions: Our providers will make clinical decisions based on what they believe is in your best interest. While we encourage discussion, specific diagnoses or medication requests cannot be demanded.
Te Mata Peak Practice’s team are here to support your health care needs within these guidelines. If these behaviour standards cannot be met, you may be asked to enrol elsewhere.